Saturday, July 01, 2006

A Year Wiser

Today is a special day, just like yesterday. No... I did not double-posted my entry.

Today Wify has turned... another year wiser. Just a day after I turned 40.

Happy Birthday!
To my dearest wife, my partner in life's journey, and my date in heaven.

She is a daughter, a wife, a mother, a home-maker, a business woman... all in one package, holding together beautifully. A heaven sent.

It was unfortunate that I could not wish her Happy Birthday this morning, since I had to leave home very early to accompany my Mom for her 5th physiotherapy session at TTSH.

I left at 7:00am while she was still asleep from the late closing hour at the shop last night. It was wonderful business for her last night because Customers started to come in "queue numbered-like," one after the other and actually made purchases, that made her closed the shop way after the closing hours.

Knowingly yesterday was payday, and the Customers who came browsing the last few weeks came back decided and made purchases of the ones they had eyed for.

The sale was surprisingly great, way beyond our expectations. It was like a her birthday gift.

So, to the love of my life... I wish you joy and happiness, I wish for your good health and prosperity in abundance. I wish you love for the every-women you are...

Happy Birthday
I Love You

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Muhd Imran
PAL Blogger