Sunday, November 11, 2007

You'll Be Loved

HamsterVille before recent adoption in Nov 2007

My PDA beeped with a new message received yesterday.

No... please let it not be from work!

Phew! Alright, not from work.

It was from an unknown cell phone number with a text message that read "I saw your ad. Do you still have hamsters for adoption?"

Darn it! I should have stopped the pet adoption advert I put up in Pet Lovers' Corner website already! With the numerous adoptions we have gone through, we were left with 20 hammies in HamsterVille.

Bear, the big and lovable hammie

There is a part of me that wished to keep all 20 since we have been with our hammies for more than a year already, except for May... she was the last one born in May this year before we were successful in preventing completely separated the two genders from breeding.

Then again, taking care of so many in 10 homes took quite an effort when the fortnightly time came to clean the 10 households. It had been quite an elaborate house chore.

"Yes, but no babies left. All r adults above 1 yr old. White-Winter breed lifespan is 2 yrs. Still interested?" was my message back... hoping for "no thanks then" reply.

"OK. Adoption free? How many can adopt?" was the reply instead. Sigh...

I told Wifey about the request. Her face lighted-up and was quick to answer "Great! As many as they want!"

My heart sank.

I was hoping she would be as reluctant as me to give anymore away... being attached to the hammies after all this time. Yes, we have talked about this. It is the sane thing to do and reclaim our lives back. After all, we have been giving them away to only pet lovers.

I have to learn to let go.

"K. Come by my home to choose with my wife..." I replied. The rest is history once the 4 cages left our home the same late afternoon.

Home of Mr. & Mrs. Smith

A 16 year old girl, Esther and her friend came over, chose and we bid goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Smith in one cage, Mr. and Mrs. Thames in another, and Buttons and Bear in 2 separate cages.

"Thk u. Be assured we will take care of the hamsters." was the text message on my PDA 10 minutes after they left our home.

Goodbye hammies!

You all will be taken care of properly, we know it. You all will be alright...

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